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Rosh Hashanah Cards | Purim Cards

Order Cards

Cards are available in packages of ten for a suggested minimum donation of $36 each.
Order two or more sets or more and receive free shipping.

Allow 5-10 business days for shipping. Please note, cards ordered after March 12 may arrive after Purim.

1. Simcha (Art by Camp Simcha Camper)

Please send me sets of Simcha (Art by Camp Simcha Camper)
(10 cards per set).

2. Green Card Sets

Please send me sets of Green Card Sets
(10 cards per set).

3. Jellybean Card Sets

Please send me sets of Jellybean Card Sets
(10 cards per set).

4. Rainbow Card Sets

Please send me sets of Rainbow Card Sets
(10 cards per set).

5. Square Card Sets

Please send me sets of Square Card Sets
(10 cards per set).

6. Carnival Card Sets

Please send me sets of Carnival Card Sets
(10 cards per set).

7. Purple Card Sets

Please send me sets of Purple Card Sets
(10 cards per set).

8. Polka Dot Card Sets

Please send me sets of Polka Dot Card Sets
(10 cards per set).

9. Turn Sadness Card Sets

Please send me sets of Turn Sadness Card Sets
(10 cards per set).

Free Shipping

International Shipping - Additional $2.00 per card package - Additional Shipping Total $

Please send with Express Shipping (Before 3:00 PM Mon-Thur Eastern Standard Time) - additional $20.00 per order
Shipping available in domestic USA only.
I would like to contribute the minimum suggested:

I would like to make an additional donation to help the children of Chai Lifeline $
Total: $
Personal Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Company Name:
Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Country: *
Phone Number: *
Cell Phone:
Email Address: *
Shipping Information
Same as Billing Information
Payment Details
Your card will be charged $

Card Type: *
Card Number: *
Exp. Month: *
Exp. Year: *
Security Code: *
 Please mail a receipt to the address above (in addition to the receipt I will receive via email).

Chai Lifeline is a non-profit 501c3 organization. Tax ID #11-2940331.
Only enter this field if you were told to do so by a staff member.
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