

I'm sorry I can't attend, but I want to help the children of Chai Lifeline.
Other Donation Amount $
Order Total: $  
Ad Details
Any contribution of $500 or above entitles you to an ad in the journal

Ad Text:
Name of chairperson, committee member or Chai Lifeline contact who requested this contribution:
Personal Information
Title: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Country: *
Phone Number: *
Phone Type: *
Email Address: *
Payment Details
Your card will be charged $
Card Number: *
Exp. Month: *
Exp. Year: *
Security Code: *
 Please mail a receipt to the address above (in addition to the receipt I will receive via email).
Only enter this field if you were told to do so by a staff member.
Chai Lifeline is a non-profit 501c3 organization. Tax ID #11-2940331.
$150 represents the cost of the Dinner for one person. The remainder of your contribution is deductible from income taxes to the extent permitted by applicable law.